Smart and effective governance
Emilia-Romagna Region promotes simplification, transparency and legality to ensure effective and reliable governance together with easy and fast procedures for businesses and citizens.
Population: 4.5 million inhabitants
Governance: 1 Region, 1 Metropolitan city (Bologna), 330 municipalities with 8 main cities (Ferrara, Forlì-Cesena, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Ravenna, Reggio Emilia, Rimini).
The regional law (13/2015) defines the institutional roles played by Region, Metropolitan City, Provinces, Municipalities and Unions of Municipalities, in a framework based on the principle of maximum integration among all the institutional levels with the following organization of the competences:
- Region: strategic policies, planning and monitoring
- ‘Metropolitan City of Bologna’ and Provinces: vast area government
- Municipalities and Unions of Municipalities: local government
The Emilia-Romagna region with the law (r.l 24/2017) manges urban planning in a simple and fast way and promotes urban regeneration also supporting those who want to do business
The Pact for Labour and Climate signed in 2020 by 55 regional stakeholders aims at generating quality jobs, combating inequality and taking Emilia-Romagna through environmental transition, thereby helping to achieve the objectives of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, in particular reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 and 100% renewable energy by 2035.
The business-friendly regional government supports new investments, offering financial incentives and reliable governance together with easy and fast procedures, also with a specific Law for the Promotion of Investments.
The law supports innovation and specialization and encourages R&D projects by entering into agreements directly with investors. In addition, it guarantees regional coordination on procedures and collaboration with local bodies and stakeholders.
The regional Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) aims at supporting research and innovation connecting the production and the knowledge systems and identifying the main priorities.
Updated results of the strategy:
Key Facts | ||
I-CITY RANK (ForumPA, 2021) Out of 107 cities 5 regional cities in the Top 16 |
SMART CITY INDEX (Ernst&Young, 2020) Out of 107 cities 5 regional cities in the Top 15 |
DESI (Digital Agenda Observatory, Politecnico di Milano, 2020) Digital Economy and Society Index is higher than the national average |
Digital infrastructure
Development of digital infrastructures has been for over 20 years a regional policy priority. Emilia-Romagna has a high broadband coverage due to a digital infrastructure that ensures a high level of connectivity throughout the entire territory.
Households with broadband access (Eurostat, 2021) | |
EU 27 | 90% |
Italy | 88% |
Emilia-Romagna | 92% |
- Lepida: the broadband network for Emilia-Romagna’s public administrations provides high-speed connectivity throughout the entire region boosting efficient e-government services for citizens and companies
- The Digital Agenda of Emilia-Romagna 2020-25 with the strategy “Data Valley Bene Comune” aims to invest 200 million euros to have a 100% digital and inclusive region, achieving the following objectives: contrast to digital divides in mountain areas, digital knowledge, networks and connectivity, Public Administration and digital services.
- ER2Digit is the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) of the Emilia-Romagna region born from the collaboration of ART-ER, LEPIDA and CINECA to promote the improvement of the offer of public services and the adoption of innovative digital solutions in the Public Administration and businesses.
Territorial network for investment promotion
Invest in Emilia-Romagna works in close collaboration with local actors that also support location scouting:
At national level, the regional contact point collaborates with several actors, including:
- ICE International Trade Agency and its network of International Offices widespread at global level (see the map)
- Invitalia, the National Agency for Inward Investment and Economic Development

Focus on the regional territories
A focus on each regional municipality is also available (allowing also the selection of Union of municipalities, provinces and the Metropolitan City of Bologna). The user can get information about number of employees (also divided by macro and sub-sectors), local units and inhabitants for the selected territories.