Emilia-Romagna is a great location for new investments and offer properties with different features and characteristics for plants, offices, R&D centers, logistic centres, innovative start-ups, etc.
Invest in Emilia-Romagna Real Estate
Invest in Emilia-Romagna Real Estate is the website dedicated to strategic real estate opportunities on the regional territory - managed by ART-ER on behalf of the Emilia-Romagna Region and in collaboration with local territorial entities - providing information and support free of charge.
Invest in Emilia-Romagna Contact Point provides identification of location according to specific needs of the investor. Fill in the INVESTMENT FORM to get access to this service.

Brochure "Investment opportunities"
This publication includes a wide offer of properties in Emilia-Romagna, promoted by the regional territories. The selection that you find here has been imagined and developed with the goal of bringing an interesting and varied presentation of the investment opportunities available in the region.

Invest in Italy
"Invest in Italy" is the website managed by the the National Unit for Investment Attraction, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Eneterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) supported by the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) and INVITALIA. The section Business Location focuses on territories and provides a selection of available location opportunities. For the Emilia-Romagna region the section has been developed with the collaboration of Invest in Emilia-Romagna (ART-ER, Regione Emilia-Romagna)

Invest in Italy Real Estate
At national level, the online database “Invest in Italy - Real Estate” contains a selection of valuable public properties of different types (e.g.: industrial/logistic, office, commercial, historical, buildable area) with high potential in terms of access to the regional natural and cultural heritage.

Technopoles are a network of 11 infrastructures in 20 locations throughout the Emilia-Romagna region, hosting and organizing activities and services for industrial research, experimental development and technology transfer. Technopoles are home to:
- industrial research Laboratories of the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network
- service facilities for dissemination, demonstration and information activities
- premises and facilities to host private research laboratories, innovative companies and spin offs
The initiative is coordinated by ART-ER on behalf of the Emilia-Romagna Region and in collaboration with universities, research centers and local authorities. Users can take advantage of a wide range of services including: analysis and problem solving with respect to innovation activities to be carried out, organization of in-depth study meetings, etc.

Incubators and coworking
EmiliaRomagnaStartUp, the main regional initiative for startups and future entrepreneurs, offers an interactive database of all the organisations and associations that are part of their network and promote the creation and growth of innovative startups in Emilia-Romagna. These actors use proven approaches and methodologies to offer services and incentives to new innovative enterprises.
in-ER - Incubators Network of Emilia-Romagna is a unique network of over 30 incubators/accelerators. It was born to improve the regional offer of services to startups and develop relationships with national and foreign institutions.

Local actors
Invest in Emilia-Romagna works in close collaboration with local actors that also support location scouting