Brochure "Emilia-Romagna. We make the future together."
The brochure "Emilia-Romagna. We make the future together." provides a general introduction to the regional system presenting its main assets, sectors and services.
Invest in Emilia-Romagna Real Estate
Invest in Emilia-Romagna Real Estate is the website dedicated to strategic real estate opportunities on the regional territory - managed by ART-ER on behalf of the Emilia-Romagna Region and in collaboration with local territorial entities - providing information and support free of charge.
Real Estate - Investment opportunities 2024
This publication includes a wide offer of properties in Emilia-Romagna, promoted by the regional territories. The selection that you find here has been imagined and developed with the goal of bringing an interesting and varied presentation of the investment opportunities available in the region.

Info-sheets on key sectors
Include information on: leading factors and main brands; value chain sectorial framework; figures on number of companies and employees; maps of specializations; export figures; foreign Investors; international trade fairs; universities, training, R&D, Associations, etc.
Municipalities in Emilia-Romagna
The tool provides a focus on each regional municipality (allowing also the selection of Union of municipalities and the Metropolitan City of Bologna). The user can get information about number of employees (also divided by sectors), local units and inhabitants for the selected territories and links for more information.