The Emilia-Romagna agri-food system encompasses a unique heritage made of tradition and excellent quality, characterized by an approach strongly oriented towards research and innovation, environmental sustainability and food safety.

Main specializations

immagine main specialization food valley

immagine main specialization food valley


Specializations: regional export vs the national value in 2023 (source: Istat Coeweb; data processing: ART-ER):

  • 40.2% of Meat and meat-based products
  • 35% of Agricultural machinery
  • 21.8% of Manufacture of dairy products

Quality and culinary treasures

The quality of food products is an essential aim of regional policies. 

  • The 44 regional PDO and PGI food products represent the most important production value of Italian registrations (about 40% of the national total) with 6,190 regional companies involved. 
  • The main PDOs and PGIs in terms of value are produced here: Parmigiano Reggiano DOP, Prosciutto di Parma DOP, Aceto Balsamico di Modena IGP, Mortadella Bologna IGP and Grana Padano DOP
    400 out of 5,000 national denominations of traditional agri-food products come from Emilia-Romagna

Some important actors:

Top companies

Top companies in Emilia Romagna food valley: Parmigiano Reggiano, Consorzio aceto balsamico di Modena, Barilla, Segafredo, Consorzio Prosciutto di Parma, Newlat Food SpA, TetraPak, COOP, Granarolo, Emak, Philip Morris, Caviro, Pizzoli, Agrintesa, Cantine Riunite e Civ, Valsoia, IMA SPA, Orogel, Caffitaly system, HAVI, Alce nero, OCMIS, Grand Tour Italia, Conserve Italia, MUTTI. Corteva

Top companies in Emilia Romagna food valley: Parmigiano Reggiano, Consorzio aceto balsamico di Modena, Barilla, Segafredo, Consorzio Prosciutto di Parma, Newlat Food SpA, TetraPak, COOP, Granarolo, Emak, Philip Morris, Caviro, Pizzoli, Agrintesa, Cantine Riunite e Civ, Valsoia, IMA SPA, Orogel, Caffitaly system, HAVI, Alce nero, OCMIS, Grand Tour Italia, Conserve Italia, MUTTI. Corteva

Innovation ecosystem

The regional production system is strongly oriented towards Industry 4.0, supported by the innovation ecosystem that is able to create collaborations and synergies between knowledge system and business. Here are some key actors:

Logo Clust-ER Agrifood Agroalimentare

Clust-ER Agri-food

Clust-ER Associations are communities of public and private bodies (research centers, companies, training institutes) created to support the competitiveness of the most important production systems in Emilia-Romagna.

Logo rete alta tecnologia Emilia-Romagna

Regional High Technology Network

Discover the High Technology Network industrial research offering in ‘Agri-food’

Eit Food logo

EIT Food

EIT Food accelerates innovation to build a food system that produces healthy and sustainable food for all. The region is involved in the EIT Food KIC as a member of the RIS Policy Council.

Smart Specialisation Strategy - S3

Agri-food | Results of the Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy
From 2014 to June 2024
Funded R&D Projects
Million euros of total investment
Million euros of public funds

Updated  September 2024


Main international trade fairs

International events related to agri-food in Emilia-Romagna include: Eima International, Cibus, Cibus Tec, Macfrut, Sana, Apimell, Sigep, Slow Wine Fair, Beer & Food Attraction.

Beer&Food Attraction - The eating out experience show

Rimini, IT

SANA Food - International exhibition of organic and natural products

Bologna, IT

Slow Wine Fair

Bologna, IT

APIMELL - International trade fair of beekeeping apiary products and equipment

Piacenza, IT

MACFRUT - Food & Veg Professional Show

Rimini, IT

CIBUSTEC - Inspiring innovation in food and beverage technologies

Parma, IT

CIBUS - International food exhibition

Parma, IT

Key facts

Agri-food in Emilia-Romagna


2023, Source: Infocamere-processed by ART-ER

Local units


2023, Source: Infocamere- processed by ART-ER

Export (core sectors*)

9.77 bln €

2023, Source: Istat - Coeweb - processed by ART-ER

Import (core sectors*)

8.95 bln €

2023, Source: Istat - Coeweb - processed by ART-ER

Agricultural production value

5.3 bln €


Fund of the Regional Rural Development Program in the 2014-22 period

1.6 bln €

Organic farming of the regional Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA)


* Not including tobacco, agricultural machinery and agrochemical products

Food safety

  • Food Safety is a core area of public health policy and is implemented through the surveillance of the origin of food, animal and vegetable products, from farm to fork 
  • EFSA European Food Safety Authority is located in Parma, in the center of the regional Food Valley 
  • The Regional Phytosanitary Service works closely with the Central Plant Protection Service and local stakeholders in drafting of specific dossiers (Pest Risk Analysis or PRA) which are legally required to ensure safe access from/to international markets.

Info-sheets "Invest in agri-food in Emilia-Romagna"

immagine copertina brochure agro-food


Open fact-sheets
