For decades the automotive industry has represented one of the most important industrial sectors of the Emilia-Romagna production system. Brands like Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Ducati, Pagani and Dallara are just the top of a production chain that includes a high number of specialized suppliers, kept together by the search for absolute perfection.
Our worldwide known automotive cluster is investing in electric vehicles, with many relevant recent Foreign Direct Investments in the last few years (AVL, FEV, BorgWarner, Lamborghini, Ducati, Energica) supported by the Regional Government.
Regional aerospace has strong connections with the Motor Valley, especially concerning advanced materials, engines, components and software. Other transport vehicles produced in Emilia-Romagna include luxury yachts (e.g. Ferretti), trucks (e.g. Iveco Astra), bus (e.g. EvoBus Italia).
Main brands
The regional production system is strongly oriented towards Industry 4.0 and electrification, supported by the innovation ecosystem and a business environment that are able to create collaborations and synergies between knowledge system and business. Here are some key actors:
Clust-ER Mech – Mechatronics and Motoristics
Clust-ER Associations are communities of public and private bodies (research centers, companies, training institutes) created to support the competitiveness of the most important production systems in Emilia-Romagna.
MUNER – Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna
MUNER groups together four regional universities - Bologna, Ferrara, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Parma - and the motor companies that represent the best of Made in Italy in the world
BI-REX - Big Data Innovation and Research Excellence
The Bi-Rex is a Competence Center coordinated by the University of Bologna with a group of 60 stakeholders
Regional High Technology Network
Discover the High Technology Network industrial research offering in ‘Mechatronics and Materials’
Motor Valley Accelerator
The mobility accelerator of the CDP national network
Main international trade fairs
International events related to automotive in Emilia-Romagna include: Autopromotec, E-Tech Europe, Futurmotive, Salone del Camper, Bologna International Boat Show
Key facts
AUTOMOTIVE in Emilia-Romagna (only core manufacturing sectors*) | |||
Employees 24,933 | Local units 1,166 | Export € 11.7 bln | Turnover € +15 bln |
* Sectors considered include "Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers" and "Manufacture of other transport equipment" - Data processing by ART-ER