Italy-US Tech Business and Investment Matching Initiative

Emilia-Romagna attended Italy-US Tech Business and Investment Matching Initiative. The event took place at the Italian Embassy of the US in Washington D.C. on October 25, bringing together Italian and US institutions, companies and stakeholders, and focused on aerospace and life sciences/bioeconomy. The event included two technical level closed doors parallel sessions on these sectors to boost the opportunities of networking and collaboration. The event was also the opportunity to present a new interactive tool - developed by the University of Milano Bicocca, the Italian regions and their clusters - showing details on the regional innovation ecosystems and clusters.

The initiative was part of a national mission aimed at strengthening the relationships among clusters, ecosystems and investors, organized by MIMIT Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, MAECI Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, the Conference of Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces, THF Transatlantic Harmonic Foundation, Confindustria.

The mission also included a welcoming meeting at the Washington DC Economic Partnership on October 24 to introduce the participants to the DC Business and Investment Scene, and the participation to the NIAF National Italian American Foundation 49th Anniversary Washington DC Gala.

The Emilia-Romagna delegation included:

  • Invest in Emilia-Romagna, contact point for the attraction of investments, managed by ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory on behalf of the Regional Government,
  • ANSER – AeroNautics and Space in Emilia-Romagna, a consortium of regional companies,
  • Clust-ER Health – The Health and Wellness Industries Cluster of the Emilia-Romagna region,

During these events, the Emilia-Romagna delegation created new international relationships and opportunities for the development of the regional system. 


For more information on the event:

Italy-US Tech Business & Investment Matching Initiative: