Emilia-Romagna has a new regional law (L.R. 2/2023) to attract and retain young talents: highly specialized people who can find a job, a professional or research space, or undertake a path of advanced training. The target includes the so-called 'brain drain', supporting return from abroad. Young people who, today more than ever, can find new opportunities along the Via Emilia in the regional ecosystem of innovation, universities and the production system.
The law is the first of its kind on the national scene. The Region intends to achieve its objectives through various measures: facilitations for companies that hire young people returning from abroad or interested in working or doing research in Emilia-Romagna; personalized training courses; specialization and qualification paths through a network of masters; packages of welfare services (crèches, schools, housing, reconciliation of life and work) for young people and their families.
The attraction and retention of talents also passes through the offer that comes from new advanced sectors such as supercomputing, digital industries, science for human development. These elements increasingly characterize the Emilia-Romagna Data Valley, European hub of Big Data thanks to the Technopoles, High Technology and Higher Education Networks, with the 'Tecnopolo Manifattura - Data Valley Hub' in Bologna at the center, including the world top supercomputer Leonardo and the ECMWF Data Centre.
It-ER International Talents Emilia-Romagna aims to promote study, research and career opportunities in Emilia-Romagna among international talents and expats. The platform provides information for each phase (preparation, arrival, integration) and regarding the regional networks and communities dedicated to international talents of Emilia-Romagna, facilitating inclusion in the regional ecosystem. internationaltalents.art-er.it