Emilia-Romagna region has been selected by the EU as Regional Innovation Valley (RIV). The region was already confirmed as “strong innovator” by the EU Regional Innovation Scoreboard, ranking first in Italy in 2023. Moreover, EU classifies Emilia-Romagna with the cohesion status of “more developed region”. As Regional Innovation Valley, the region is focused on three “burning challenges”: Achieving Circularity, Food Security, Improving Healthcare. This result enhances the Region's adherence to the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform - Step, through the reshaping of the 2021-2027 ERDF Regional Programme, approved by the European Commission last October, to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of the production system in the digital, clean and biotech technology sectors.
149 European regions have been selected by the EU as Regional Innovation Valley because of their commitment to:
- Strengthen their Research & Innovation (R&I) ecosystem
- Enhance the coordination and directionality of their R&I policy and investment towards key EU priorities
- Engage in R&I collaboration between more and less advanced regions with complementary smart specialisations (S3).
The Regional Innovation Valleys (RIVs) initiative is one of 25 actions of the New European Innovation Agenda (NEIA). It aims to harness the full innovation potential across Europe, connecting less and more innovative regions and addressing social challenges through cutting edge technology.
Link: Selected Regional Innovation Valleys