Emilia-Romagna top large European region for its FDI strategy
FDI Intelligence, the Financial Times foreign investment specialist division, published the "European Cities & Regions of the Future 2023" report on the attractiveness of cities and regions in Europe. Emilia-Romagna ranks 9th among the large European regions for its FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) strategy. To create a shortlist for the report, the division of the Financial Times collected data for 549 locations (including 141 regions), under five categories: Economic Potential, Human Capital and Lifestyle, Cost Effectiveness, Connectivity and Business Friendliness.
The Emilia-Romagna vision to attract FDIs relies on qualified employment, innovation, sustainability, integration with regional supply and value chains. Overall objectives include also ecologic and digital transition and have been shared in the Pact for Work and Climate signed in 2020 by 55 regional stakeholders. Specialised clusters collaborate with a vibrant innovation ecosystem: we are the 1st Italian region for innovation (European Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2021; Transatlantic Subnational Innovation Competitiveness Index 2022) and our advanced manufacturing keeps together mature clusters and new perspectives (EVs, Aerospace, Data valley, etc.). Talents are provided by universities and training institutes, with strong attention and new initiatives to attract them, including a new regional law just approved in February 2023. The regional law for the “Promotion of Investments” - in accordance with the new S3 Strategy – keeps on boosting R&D investments ensuring reliable time frames. Access to international markets is another key asset (1st Italian region for export per capita). Our contact point is ready to facilitate and support the investments along with a collaborative business-oriented PA.
Full report available at: https://www.fdiintelligence.com/European-Cities-and-Regions-of-the-Future-report-2023