“ATTRACTION OF INVESTMENTS IN EMILIA-ROMAGNA”, the sixth call to enter into Agreements for the Settlement and Development of Enterprises (Agreement) has been published.
Applications can be submitted from the 20th of July 2022 to the 14th of October 2022 (12am). The call has been published after the approval of the Resolution 1098/2022 the 4th of July 2022.
13.2 million euros of resources are available for the present call (in 2023 and 2024) but the Regional Government could increase the amount according to the proposals received. The objective is to support investments of regional interest that increase the competitiveness and innovative capacity of the regional value chains, with a focus on research and development and on employment impact.
- foreign/national companies not already settled in the region that intend to invest in Emilia-Romagna (with at least one local unit to be settled before the signing of the Agreement)
- regional companies already settled in Emilia-Romagna.
To be admitted to the call it is necessary to apply for at least one R&D project worth 2 million euros and provide an employment impact of at least 20 new full-time and permanent employees.
TYPES OF INTERVENTION provided by the call are the following:
- R&D - Research and development – this type of intervention is mandatory to be eligible for the call
- Research facilities,
- Training projects,
- Environmental protection: production of, energy from renewable sources,
Only for companies not already settled in the region before 4th of July 2022 (data of publication of the call):
- New productive investments related to the Industry 4.0 model for SMEs;
- New productive investments related to the Industry 4.0 model for large companies, only in assisted areas.
- Contact point: infoleggeregionale14@art-er.it - +39 051 6450429
- Presentation of the call in English
- Call, documentation and forms (in Italian)
- 76 investment programs
- About 3000 new jobs
- 18 R&D centers also available to third parties
- 340 million euros of investments eligible for financing
- 123 million euros of incentives
Of the selected companies, several are controlled by foreign investors: AVL, Teko Telecom (JMA Wireless), B.Braun, Lamborghini and Ducati (part of the Volkswagen / Audi group), Qura, FEV Italia, Borgwarner Systems Lugo, Energica Motor Company, FAW-Silk EV.