Published the results of the 2023 call for proposals of the Regional Law for the Promotion of Investments (R.l. no. 14/2014), the policy instrument that concretely shows Emilia-Romagna's active commitment to supporting regional, national and foreign companies in investing in innovative and sustainable projects, with a significant employment impact and strong integration with regional production chains.
Results of the 2023 call for proposals:
- 11 R&D projects presented by 10 companies,
- 296 new jobs created,
- Over 41 million euros of total amount of the investments,
- Over 16 million of regional grants.
Among the supported companies, we find the following Foreign Direct Investments (FDI): Lamborghini (part of the Volkswagen Group, located in Sant’Agata Bolognese, Bologna), AVL (headquartered in Austria, located in Cavriago, Reggio Emilia), Newcleo (UK, located in the Centro Enea Brasimone, Bologna), Meta System Spa (part of a Chinese group, located in Reggio Emilia). Other companies include: Astra Veicoli Industriali Spa (Piacenza), Bonfiglioli Riduttori Spa (Calderara di Reno, Bologna), Crif Spa (Bologna), Magni Telescopic Handlers Srl (Castelfranco Emilia, Modena), Rosetti Marino Spa (Ravenna) e Sacmi Cooperativa Meccanici (Imola, Bologna).
These investments involve some of the most competitive value chains in Emilia-Romagna - automotive, mechatronics, ICT, ceramics - and Initiatives for the green transition through the use of hydrogen, for the electrification and efficiency of processes and products, along with the study of new materials. Development of the use of artificial intelligence is also planned for the qualification of the products and improvement of production cycles.
Since 2016, 7 calls for proposals have been published to get access to the Agreements for the Settlement and Development of Enterprises in Emilia-Romagna provided by the same law, with the following overall results:
- 96 investment programs
- About 150 million euros of grants
- Direct creation of over 3,900 new jobs of which 700 researchers.
Invest in Emilia-Romagna Contact Point - managed by ART ER - provides technical assistance to the Regional Government for the implementation of this activity.
Source: Emilia-Romagna Region