The Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2023 (RIS) elaborated by the European Commission confirms Emilia-Romagna as “strong innovator” with the highest ranking in Italy. Although Italy is still considered as a “moderate” innovator in the national benchmarking, Emilia-Romagna is included among the advanced European regions.
The report also considers the performance change. EU performance increased with 8.5%-points over the 8-year reference period (2016 to 2023). Emilia-Romagna increased with 15.8%-points in the same period, a value higher than the EU average.
The Regional Innovation Index is a composite indicator, which builds on the same methodological framework as the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS), although it summarises the performance on fewer indicators due to lower data availability at regional level (21 indicators compared to 32 in the EIS). The index is measured using the set of indicators of the Measurement framework of the 2023 European Innovation Scoreboard, including: framework conditions, investments, innovation activities, impacts.
Download the report: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/c849333f-25db-11ee-a2d3-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-289680093