“ATTRACTION OF INVESTMENTS IN EMILIA-ROMAGNA” online the seventh call to enter into regional Agreements for the Settlement and Development of Enterprises (Agreement). Applications can be submitted from the 15th of January 2024 to the 29th of February 2024 (12am).
The following contents represent a summary of the main characteristics of the tender.
Please refer to the full text of the call for proposal (in Italian) before sending your application.
This call for proposal is related to the implementation of the Regional Law 14/2014 on the “Promotion of investments in Emilia-Romagna” and represents also an integration with the Regional law 2/2023 on the attraction and retention of talents.
13 million euros of resources are available for the present call for proposal.
- Support investments of regional interest that increase the competitiveness and innovative capacity of the regional value chains
- Integration with the research and training system
- Relevant employment impact (in terms of quality and quantity) and economic, environmental and social sustainability
- Even if the whole regional territory is eligible, a further objective is the development of disadvantaged areas
The agreement is open to:
- foreign/national companies not already settled in the region that intend to invest in Emilia-Romagna (with at least one local unit to be settled in Emilia-Romagna before the signing of the Agreement)
- regional companies already established in Emilia-Romagna
- newco, made up of at least two subjects with different ownership
For Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs):
- 15 new full-time employees of which at least 30% (minimum 5 people) graduates.
- R&D project minimum amount of 1.5 million euro.
- Collaboration with universities, research institutes/organizations with the following amount: 10% of eligible expenditures up to 1.5 million, 5% of eligible expenditures from 1.5 to 4 million euro, 2.5% of eligible expenditures > 4 million euros.
- An industrial plan has to be attached to the eligible programme.
For Large Companies:
- 20 new full-time employees of which at least 30% (minimum 7 people) graduates.
- R&D project minimum amount of 2.5 million euro.
- Collaboration with universities, research institutes/organizations with the following amount: 10% of eligible expenditures up to 2.5 million, 5% of eligible expenditures from 2.5 to 4 million euro, 2.5% of eligible expenditures > 4 million euros.
- An industrial plan has to be attached to support the eligible programme.
The call for proposal allows receiving non-repayable grants - with a single procedure - in the following types of intervention:
- R&D - Research and development – this type of intervention is mandatory to be eligible for the call
- Research facilities
- Testing and experimentation facilities
- Energy from renewable sources
Only for Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs):
- Human resources: hiring of high-skilled employees
Only for companies not already settled in the region before the data of publication of the call:
- SMEs: new productive investments related to the industrial, digital and green transition
- Large companies only in assisted areas: new productive investments related to the industrial, digital and green transition
- Deadline for application: February 29, 2024 (12am)
- Opening of the online platform to submit the application: January 15, 2024
- The investment programme has to be completed by June 30, 2026. A 12-month extension can be requested.
- Expenditures to be financed will be considered from January 1, 2024
- Contact point: infoleggeregionale14@art-er.it - +39 051 6450429
- Presentation of the call for proposal 2023 in English and Italian
- Call, documentation and forms (in Italian): https://fesr.regione.emilia-romagna.it/opportunita/2023/attrazione-investimenti-in-emilia-romagna-accordi-regionali-di-insediamento-e-sviluppo-delle-imprese-anno-2023
FOREIGN COMPANIES SUPPORTED BY THE PREVIOUS TENDERS include: AVL, Teko Telecom (JMA Wireless), B.Braun, Lamborghini and Ducati (part of the Volkswagen / Audi group), Qura, FEV Italia, Energica Motor Company, CPC group (part of Mitsubishi Chemical Group), etc.