R2B 2023

R2B | Research to Business -  June 8-9, 2023 - 9.00-18.00 – BolognaFiere - P.zza Costituzione, 3 – Bologna, Italy

The 18th edition is dedicated to skills and talents. Attractiveness of talents and investments will be one of the topics of the event.

Advanced skills play a crucial role in driving the development and evolution of new technologies, and in responding to the rapid changes they bring to the world of work and society as a whole. In recognition of this, the Emilia-Romagna Region has recently passed its first Regional Law focused on attracting and retaining high-skilled talent (R.L. 2/2023).
In the context of the European Year of Competences, the Emilia-Romagna Region, in collaboration with BolognaFiere and ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory dedicate the 18th edition of R2B Research to Business to Skills and Talents.
Attractiveness of talents and investments will be one the topics of this R2B. Invest in Emilia-Romagna will attend specific events related to attraction and retention of investments:

-    JUNE 8, 16-16:30 (A 34 - CORNER RETE TECNOPOLI ER - Padiglione 21)
Invest in Emilia-Romagna: the Technopole and its role of "last mile" to support the regional attractiveness system

-    JUNE 9, 11-11:50 (C 34 - CORNER TECNOPOLO MANIFATT. - Padiglione 21)
Positive and balanced growth of territories: the role of attractiveness

The events will be in Italian

Full programme:

For 18 years, R2B has been a benchmark for the regional and national innovation system, offering a platform for institutions, businesses, universities, and innovators to come together. Over the years, it has featured the participation of experts from national and international institutions, as well as representatives from a range of sectors who share a common interest in innovation.
